
2020 - Year for many destructive Climate Extremes. What Can We Expect in 2021?


Maastopalot riehuivat Los Angelesin kaupungin kaakkoisosissa Kaliforniassa viikonloppuna.

2020 was a year of extreme weather around the world. Hot and dry conditions drove record-setting wildfires through vast areas of AustraliaCalifornia and Brazil and Siberia

A record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season landed a double blow of two hugely destructive storms in Central America. Long-running droughts have destroyed agricultural output and helped to push millions into hunger in Zimbabwe and Madagascar. A super-cyclone unleashed massive floods on India and Bangladesh.

And overall, 2020 may end up the hottest year on record—despite a La Niña event, the ocean-atmospheric phenomenon which normally temporarily cools things down.

Though it’s historically been difficult to say if single weather events were directly caused by climate change, scientists have proven that many of the events that took place in 2020 would have been far less likely, or even impossible, without changes to the climate that are being driven by the warming of the Earth.

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